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SHOETECH Mumbai 2023

Dear Members,


Subject: SHOETECH Mumbai 2023


After a marvelous success in Kanpur & Agra respectively, which has been profusely appreciated by the Footwear, Leather and allied Industry PAN India,

Previous editions in Mumbai have been conducted during 2001,2003,2004,2005,2007, 2009,2012,2014,2016,2018,2019.



In its pursuit of excellence empowering the Footwear component sector, IFCOMA is organizing its 55th Event in series and 12th edition of Mumbai "Shoetech 2023" of IFCOMA Events with the strong support of all trade institutions. The event comprising of the Exhibition of Footwear Components, Finished Leather, Leather Goods, Accessories, Machinery & Spare parts, has been proposed to be organized at Mumbai on 4th & 5th September 2023 at Nehru Centre, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, and Mumbai-400018.



Each built up stand of display with :--> 


The 2x2 meters size is available at a nominal cost of

Rs. 26,500/- + 18% GST for IFCOMA members. 

For 3x2 Sq meters stall will be available at a nominal cost of

Rs 38,500+GST for IFCOMA members



Early Bird discount of 5% shall be available for members upto ……………..

31st July, 2023 against 100% advance payment.


Additional stands, if required by the participants (subject to availability) can be taken on payment basis as applicable per stand.


Facilities being provided under a built-up stand are:


*         One Table / Counter
*         Two Chairs
*         Fascia with

*         Participant's Name

*         Two shelves for product display
*         Two spotlights
*         One 5 amp & 220 V, 3 pin Sockets
*         Waste paper basket  



Display stalls are available on a first come first serve basis. Therefore kindly confirm your participation to the undersigned at the earliest along with a Demand Draft /Cheque or NEFT/RTGS payable at Noida for the amount applicable in favor of IFCOMA.


BANK DETAILS are as follows:--



A/C No.  :   88983030000018

IFSC Code: CNRB0018898 



Kindly confirm immediately as there are a limited number of stands available. 

Please note that participation shall be confirmed only if the application forms are accompanied with payments. 





Following mode of Sponsorship is available to the members for Advertise their Products / Company during the Shoetech Mumbai:


*  Roadside Hoardings -  At prominent places in Mumbai for one month, size 10' X 10', No. of Sites - 20 @ Rs. 10,000/- each.


* Exhibitor Catalogue - To be distributed to all major shoe manufacturers and visitors during the show printing in color on the Art Card. Three ads in the catalogue are available at Rs. 20000/- for back cover Rs. 15,000/-Back inside cover & Rs. 10,000/- front inside cover pages. Inside page (Advt - B&W) is also available for Rs 3000/- .Plus Applicable taxes.


* Entrance Gate of the BSM - At entrance of the BSM venue, Rs.15, 000/- only.   

  excluding the GST.


CARRY BAG SPONSORSHIP 12500/- each.   (Provision for two member companies.)


Digital Marketing: The Event in Mumbai will also be promoted in the digital platform of Linked in and Facebook for promotion of the Event in Leather, Footwear and Allied trade.


Member participants can avail the benefit of advertising for one month on the DIGITAL BANNER FORMAT by paying Charges of Rs 7500/- each for above two digital media platforms.


Note for Members:


All the previous & current dues should be clear for participation in the Event


Refreshment:  We shall provide working lunch for 2 persons per stall and Limited Tea during the two day event, free of Cost. 



Electricity charges (& three phase connection) extra as per consumption.


We would like to hear from you as soon as possible.


Best Regards


S K VERMA                                                                          SANJAY GUPTA

DIRECTOR                                                                           HONY.  PRESIDENT

Mumbai BSM Application form (2023)



Indian Footwear Components Manufacturers Association

Gate No. 1, FDDI Complex, A-10/A, Sector-24, Opp Kendriya Vidyalaya NOIDA - 201301, INDIA.

Visitor counter 27169